Information about counterfeits A counterfeit is a fake or imitation that is made to look like an authentic product.

Counterfeit products are often of inferior quality and may bear the trademarked Hunter logo.

Hunter has a zero tolerance for such counterfeit products and is committed to protecting our customers from counterfeit products that are being traded as genuine Hunter goods.

We also work closely with customs and law enforcement authorities around the world to reduce counterfeit goods.

Hunter does not tolerate counterfeit products and is committed to taking aggressive legal action against infringers.

To avoid purchasing counterfeit products, to safely purchase genuine Hunter products, please purchase directly from the official Hunter website or from a registered Hunter retailer.

For more information about registered dealers, please click here .

Fake Sales Sites When shopping for Hunter footwear, outerwear and accessories online, it is important to always be vigilant against websites purporting to carry Hunter merchandise.

Fake websites often use the Hunter logo to falsely claim to be selling discounted products in an attempt to trick consumers into purchasing inferior, counterfeit goods.

Additionally, auction sites are another illegal sales channel often used by sellers of counterfeit goods.

While there are some independent sellers who do indeed sell genuine products, always check the sales history and customer feedback to ensure the seller is real and that it is a one-time sale, and that they do not sell multiple items on a regular basis.

Hunter wants everyone to shop safely and enjoy their shopping experience.

Always remember that when buying from a retailer that is not registered with Hunter, you run the following risks: Receiving an incorrect or inferior product Not receiving the product you paid for Confiscation and destruction of the product by UK Customs Receiving a product that is not as described Long delays or problems with the seller Poor after-sales service Fraudulent use of your credit or debit card Identity theft European law requires all online retailers to provide an address.

Our address is : 2-11-6 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Round Cross Shibuya 2nd floor .

If you, as a Hunter customer, have any information that may assist in our anti-counterfeiting investigations, please feel free to contact us at .

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our Customer Support Team by email .

Hunter supports and appreciates any information that can help reduce the distribution of counterfeit goods.